You may print and use this pattern for your own use, and link to this blog on your blog, but please ask permission before distributing this printed pattern to others.
A place to post my Tatting Patterns for your own use. Please respect my work and if you wish to make an item for your own use, go right ahead and print a copy. However, please be sure to ask permission before distributing copies to others.
Jeanne L. Lugert 09.08.09
Short Version
CTM = continuous thread method of winding shuttles
SH1 = primary shuttle
SH2 = secondary shuttle
R = Ring
CL = close ring
SR = split ring
CH = chain
- = small joining picot
-- = design picot
+ = join
RW = reverse work
wind 2 shuttles CTM
Round 1
Start with a chain and hang a paperclip on your thread.
R4-4--4-4 cl rw
*CH 8 RW
R 4+4--4-4 CL RW
CH 4-4 RW
R 4+4--4-4 CL RW* Repeat 2 times
R 4+4--4+4 CL RW
CH 4 Remove paperclip and Join to small picot revealed.
Round 2
SR 8/8 CL
R 8-8 CL RW
R 8-8 CL
*CH 6--6--6--6 RW
R 8+8 CL RW
R 8-8 CL RW
CH 4--4--4--4
R 8+8 CL RW
R 8-8 RW
CH 6--6--6--6 RW
R 8+8 CL
R 8+(to small picot in Rnd 1) 8 CL
R 8-8 CL RW* Repeat 2 times
CH 6--6--6--6 RW
R 8+8 CL RW
R 8-8 CL
CH 4--4--4--4
R 8+8 CL RW
R 8-8 RW
CH 6--6--6--6 join to base of beginning of Round 2
Long Version
sp = small picot
lp = design picot
RW = reverse work
ds = Double Stitch
Wind 2 shuttles Continuous Thread Method.
Wind your hand for a chain, hanging a paperclip on the thread at the beginning.
Round 1
Chain 4 ds, RW.
Ring 4 ds, sp, 4ds, lp, 4ds, sp, 4 ds, RW. (Chain 8 ds RW. Ring 4 ds, join to the last picot of the previous ring, 4 ds, lp, 4 ds, sp 4 ds, RW. Chain 4 ds, sp, 4 ds RW. Ring 4 ds, join to the last picot of the previous ring, 4 ds, lp, 4 ds, sp, 4 ds. RW) Repeat 2 more times. Chain 8 ds, RW. Ring 4 ds, join to last picot of previous ring, 4ds, lp, 4ds, join to first picot of first ring, 4 ds. RW Chain 4 ds. Remove paper clip and join to picot thread space.
Round 2
Split Ring of 8 ds, 8ds. Ring 8 ds, sp, 8 ds. RW. Ring 8 ds, sp, 8 ds. RW. (Chain 6 ds, lp, 6ds, lp, 6ds, lp, 6 ds. RW. Ring 8 ds, join to small picot on previous ring, 8 ds, RW. Ring 8 ds, sp, 8 ds. RW. Chain 4 ds, lp, 4 ds, lp, 4 ds, lp, 4 ds. RW Ring 8 ds, join to small picot on previous ring, 8 ds. RW. Ring 8 ds, sp, 8 ds. RW Chain 6 ds, lp, 6 ds, lp, 6 ds, lp, 6 ds. RW. Ring 8 ds, join to sp of previous ring, 8 ds. Ring 8 ds, join to sp on chain of previous Round 1, 8 ds. Ring 8 ds, sp, 8 ds. RW) Repeat 2 more times. Chain 6 ds, lp, 6ds, lp, 6ds, lp, 6 ds. RW. Ring 8 ds, join to small picot on previous ring, 8 ds, RW. Ring 8 ds, sp, 8 ds. RW. Chain 4 ds, lp, 4 ds, lp, 4 ds, lp, 4 ds. RW Ring 8 ds, join to small picot on previous ring, 8 ds. RW. Ring 8 ds, sp, 8 ds. RW Chain 6 ds, lp, 6 ds, lp, 6 ds, lp, 6 ds. Join to beginning of Round 2
This first attempt at designing with software turned out rather well. Which is why the name, Incipient.
I used size 20 Manuela color #201 and 84 silver lined clear Delica beads. Additional beads can be added to the pattern in places of your choosing.
CTM 2 shuttles with beads on shuttle 2
sh1= shuttle 1
sh2= shuttle 2
sws= switch shuttles
R = Ring
CH = Chain
RW= Reverse Work
b = bead
AJ = Alligator join – pass one thread in front and one thread behind existing element
Rnd 1: start at the red arrow on the diagram
*sh2 R 3b3b1b1b1b1b3b3 do not rw
ch 10-3 rw
sws sh1 R 6-6-6 rw
sh2 ch 3+10 do not rw* repeat 5 times for a total of 6 rings and chains. Join last chain to the base of the first ring. Do not cut
Rnd 2:
AJ *RW ch10 RW
R 3b3b1b1b1b1b3b3 rw
ch 10 AJ* repeat 5 times for a total of 6 rings and chains. Join last ch to base of beginning ring.
VERSION B: substitute Self Closing Mock Rings for rings on round 1
VERSION C : start at the red arrow with a paper clip on the thread to create a small picot to join to later. Replace all rings in round 1 with small picots and move rings to round 2, use regular lock joins in round 2 instead of alligator joins.
Note: this design has a tendency to cup while tatting and needs to be blocked to lay flat, the cupping actually worked in my favor as I intended it for an ornament
I discovered this while doing the Daisy Picot Stars for my daughters wedding.
This works well with a variegated thread.Tiny Tatted Star with Beads
This pattern calls for Daisy Picots you can find the instructions on the web. Jane Eboral has instructions on her website http://www.e.n.e.btinternet.co.uk/daisypicotriet.pdf
The star in the picture is made with size 30 thead and Czech glass seed beads size 11/0. The center of the star is a clear rainbow fringe seed bead from http://www.firemountaingems.com
DS= double stitch
DP= daisy picot
**=repeat between *'s number of times
load 15 seed beads on your thread. You can then wind about 2 feet of thread and the beads onto another shuttle, but I prefer to tie a small knot in the end of the thread and letting the beads dangle on about 18" of thread and finger tat the Daisy Picots.
Wrap your hand for a ring and tat 1 DS with your shuttle.
Let the shuttle dangle and do a DP of 3,3beads,3 lay thread over back of hand
pick up shuttle
*2 DS let shuttle dangle pick up thread and finger tat DP 3,3beads,3 lay thread over back of hand * repeat 3 times for a total of 5 Daisy Picots
1 DS
close ring and tie ends of threads together.
I used a full length flower stem wire size 28 gauge, doubled it and put the fringe bead on it at the bend. Then twisted the wire together into a stem. The stem was put through the center ring of the star and a spot of hotglue was put on the stem just below the fringe bead to hold the star together. The thread ends were then cut very close to the knot as the glue held it all together.
This is a re-post from my main blog so it will be easier to find the directions for the Single Shuttle Split ring with joins
I was thinking that you could do the second side of the split ring as if it was a split chain.